RAYMOND FIRTH ü Raymond Firth was born in 1901 in Auckland, New Zealand ü Educated in economics at Auckland University, College. ü In the mid 1920s Firth moved to London to pursue a Doctorate at the London School of Economics, where he came under the influence of Bronislaw Malinowski. ü Malinowski meticulous studies of the Trobriand islanders of New Guinea were among the earliest field work based ethnographies. ü This was the time when the basic concepts and approaches of anthropology was being formulated. ü French sociology was under the sway of Emile Durkheim ü Lucien Levy Bruhl -investigating cultural effects on thoughts and logic ü Franz Boas and Alfred Kroeber emphasized the concept of culture a collective system of belief and practice. ü British Social anthropologist concerned about society’s functional integration derived from empirical studies of small scale societies. ü The...